Sign The Petition : Repeal The Federal Reserve Act Of 1913!.. Please, Viralize This! – 10December2012

united_states_note_jfk_1963faa809This is a non-political people movement. Let the people join in!

Time to free ourselves from being interest slaves!

Hello friends of the Repeal the Fed petition,

We are writing to you today to thank you for making your voices heard by signing the petition to REPEAL THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT OF 1913.

Over the course of a week we’ve collected signatures from across America as well as a few supporters from India, the UK, Brazil, South Africa, Germany and Canada. This is all so exciting to see our petition travel the world!

The internet is a gift which, for now, allows free access to all. We have a unique opportunity to utilize this gift to collect enough signatures to demand that our new 113th Congress in 2013 make a change in the way our currency is distributed in America. We know that we are singing to the choir here, but why we are communicating with you today is to ask you to help propagate this petition.

Please, if we all use email and social media we can get the word out to many. LET’S MAKE THIS BABY GO VIRAL! We enthusiastically enlist your help today to take one step further in getting involved. We need you. We need each other. This is a non-political community effort to help our community called America survive.

Thank you for your support. We must encourage each other, for the more we can link arms in this effort, a truly amazing thing can happen. We must never lose the belief that this is possible.

Please help. Send this site and a personal note to all you know to encourage them to sign the petition, to donate to fuel the cause and stay encouraged yourself knowing that you can make a difference. One day at a time.

With much love and gratitude,

Steven and Mischa Machat

Founders of The Wheel Party Movement

Copyright © 2012 The Wheel Party – a non-political people movement, All rights reserved.


You received this helpful information about changing our government because you signed the petition to Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Our mailing address is:

The Wheel Party – a non-political people movement
po box 398743
Miami Beach, FL 33239

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